It’s Almost December – There’s Still Time


Before you get caught up in the frenzy of the holiday season, and before you get to the last week of December and start reflecting on another year gone, there is still enough time to squeeze in one last New Year’s resolution for yourself. One last chance to fulfil a goal for 2017.

Do you remember your New Year’s resolutions from way back in January? How many of them did you achieve? Forget about the lose weight/ get into shape one. If you fell off the bandwagon way back in February like most of us, there is no point whipping yourself with guilt. There is enough stress and over expectation during the holiday season without adding that one to the list. Instead, just strive to maintain over the holidays and re-insert that perennial resolution back into your 2018 list.

There is easily enough time left to end your year with at least one small resolution crossed off your list from January. A last chance kick at the can. Do you except the challenge?

For me, one of my 2017 resolutions was to be better organized. I am a creative person and being disciplined, scheduled and with systems in place, is not how I roll. But I know, and at times even crave, a formulated and methodized structure for my life to make it easier and waste less of my time.

So here it is, almost December, eleven months have past and my “to be filed” file is full to over flowing. My desk is cluttered with “stuff” and there is post-it notes and scraps of paper reminding me of time sensitive jobs, that have yet to be done.

But there is still time – I can get this done.

The fact is, I could probably tackle this project in a couple of hours. The reality is, I could have done it at any time during the year. But the truth is, if I had been organized in the first place, like I’d resolved to be in January, there would not be a pile on my desk in the first place.

But there is still time – I can get this done.

So I will except this self appointed challenge and call it my Old Year’s resolution. I will muster up the energy and get organized so I can spent the last weeks of the year, free to celebrate with family and friends. Happy in the knowledge that I’ve completed this New/Old Year’s goal and became organised. I will firmly set my intentions and fearlessly plough through the piles of paper and file every scrap. My desk will be a gleaming example of what an organized mind can achieve. I will go forward into 2018 burden free from the clutter of 2017.

This, I know I can do.

Well, maybe tomorrow, or next week. After all, there is still time.






Published by Diana Frajman

Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.

One thought on “It’s Almost December – There’s Still Time

  1. I love the idea of having an Old Year’s Resolution! What a great way to get a jump on things. Thanks for the idea – I might just give this a shot. 🙂

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