Are You Listening?


Sometimes, when I am sure my husband is not paying attention to what I am telling him, I ask him to repeat what I had just said. My hubby has selective hearing when it comes to me and he invariably repeats it back to me wrong.

It reminds me of the children’s game where you whisper something into the ear of the person beside you and then they whisper to the person beside them until it goes around the circle. Then the person who started the whisper, reveals a usually completely altered sentence from the original.

Gossip works the same way. Every time a story is repeated, the teller embellishes the original with their own perspectives and opinions until the chitchat morphs into a tall tale of misinformation.

Why am I going on about this? Because as a modern society, we are inundated with so much useless facts, fake news and salacious chatter, that we have begun to filter what we hear and skim over the facts in order to cope with information over load.

When was the last time you actually had the pleasure to sit in silence and just hear yourself think – and why is that so important?

Because if you are suffering from TMI (too much information) and are even filtering out the chatter of your loved ones like my hubby has been known to do, then odds are, the wisdom of your inner voice is being totally drowned out too.

Remember that little voice inside you that gives you really good, sound advice?

Not the voice that tries it’s best to talk you into a midnight refrigerator raid and certainly not the voices that are telling you to do terrible things. If you are listening to those types of voices, you’d be better off listening to the voice of a doctor instead.

What I’m talking about is the voice of your intuition. Which is really the only voice you should listen too.

Here’s the trick though, when you listen to your intuition, you don’t hear it with your ears. To really listen to your intuition, you hear it with your heart. A little voice may pop into your head giving you  great information, but it is the emotion that follows it, that really tells you what to do with it.

You may hear that little voice telling you not to turn down a road but it is the jolt of fear that is guiding you to change your course. Or maybe a really great idea lights up the neurons in your brain, but it’s the excitement in your heart that gives you the heads up that this could be a new life path for you.

information + emotion = intuition

Are you listening?

There is something else you need to do when you hear that little voice inside of you – trust it. The more you pay it heed, the stronger and louder it will become and the better you are able to tune out the endless noise of the outside world. So then when you do actually take the time to listen to what others have to say, you will have a trusted,well developed inner guidance system that will filter all the incoming blather and discern what is relevant for your life.

Now that’s something worth listening too.

What has that little voice inside your head told you lately? Leave a comment and continue the conversation.


Published by Diana Frajman

Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.

3 thoughts on “Are You Listening?

  1. Excellent breakdown and explanation of INTUITION Diana! Thank you for writing this post. Meditation and alone time daily help it all along too, over time. Love and Hugs, Laurie Rae

    1. You can thank my husband lack of attention for this post! Heehee

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