The 3 x 3 Project – Week 4

What is the 3 x 3 Project?

My online friend, Slade Roberson wrote a interesting post on his site, Shift Your Spirits entitled Change Your Life In 3 Months .

The formula is simple:

Perform 3 action each week that move you closer to your goal.

Do it for 3 months.

Set down the framework for each month and then focus on the weekly actions. This is a bite size action plan that can work on any goal you want to achieve. Think big but act small.

This is my experience with the concept.

 Remembering To Be Me


I felt a little off last week and it took me until Saturday until I figured out why.

The first reason was daylights savings time which started last Sunday. In our region we still turn the clock forward in March. Which meant that it was dark again in the morning when I get up. Now the one thing I know about myself is, that if it is dark outside, my body says it is not time to get up. So all week I dragged my sorry butt out of bed when I wanted nothing more than to sleep for another hour.

The second reason I was out of sorts was because I was feeling creatively blocked. Perhaps partly brought on by the changing of the clock but more likely because in my mind I was quietly panicking.

I had made three attempts at writing a blog last week, and trashed all three. Nothing flowed. All my thoughts seemed forced. So by Friday night I was seriously stressed out because I didn’t have a clue what I would post on my blog last week. I ended up publishing zilch.

Then Saturday morning came and so did the answer. If you take nothing else away from this post take heed to this:

Insights can come to you in the most unlikely of ways. The key to fully receiving them, is to be open and ready to except when they do.

The message I needed to hear, which instantly calmed my spirit and unblocked my creative flow, started with an email. It was from Hay House Publishing offering a free video from Michael Neill.

I had no idea who Michael Neill is but my intuition told me to watch the video, and in that video, I received the first part of the message.

Insight may come out of the blue, but it comes when we are receptive to it. It comes when that’s what we’re looking for. When we’re open to seeing something new. Insight doesn’t just help you with the little stuff. Insight is all it takes for even the seemingly biggest problems in your life to melt away and disappear completely.

Michael Neill

I found out that Michael Neill has also done a Ted Talk entitled: Why Aren’t We Awesomer?

While I was watching Michael’s talk, I noticed another Ted Talk offered on the  side bar by a scruffy looking fellow by the name of Magnus Walker entitled: Go With Your Gut Feelings

So again, I went with my gut (intuition) and watched his Ted Talk video.

Magnus is a man who has lived his life freely and who has always listened, and acted, on his intuition. The results have made his life amazing.

And this is where the completion of the message I needed to hear came about.

Hint: You will know when a message is being directed at you because you will feel excited, and the proverbial light bulb flashes on in your head illuminating a clear understanding of the problem at hand.

So what world rocking insight did I receive that was powerful enough to unblock my creativity and alleviate my growing panic?

To be myself.

Yes, the change of the clocks helped to set up my imbalance, but what really send me off the creative rails was that I was not coming from an authentic place. The words I was forcing onto the page were not mine, but what I imagined people wanted to hear. The more I forced it, the more log jammed my mind became.

Why am I telling you this story when I should be reporting on the 3 actions I completed last week instead? Because there is a greater lesson here.

It doesn’t matter what actions you take on the way to achieving your dreams, if they do not come from your truly unique perspective, then you are really just re-creating something that has already been done.

My soul knows this. I, consciously know this. But I needed to re-learn this lesson last week in order to step up to the next level of my goal which is to built a truly unique Crone Confidence platform.

My desire to empower older woman has to come from my heart and soul. It has to be said in my own unique voice and it has to be true for me first in order for it to resonate true for anybody else too.

Insight is a marvelous thing. When you hold them in your soul as truth, they become timeless wisdoms, and for me, that is the essence of being a powerful Crone.

P.S. As for my 3 actions this week:

  1. I signed up for 3 classes at my local Community Center: Getting The Most From Your Digital SLR Camera, Self Publish Your Book For Free, and Create and Sell Your Online Course. All useful information I hope to put to use down the road.
  2. I was interviewed for a Podcast to be available online at the end of the month. (More about that later, but really excited!)
  3. I created a “Spring Excitement” campaign for my Facebook site that resulted in 20 new followers to the site.

I hope you too gained some insight from my experience. Being empowered to life your life on your own terms requires that you are always striving to be your unique self.

I would love for you to leave me a message, either here on my blog, or my Facebook page Crone Confidence and share with me your own unique insights.

































Published by Diana Frajman

Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.

6 thoughts on “The 3 x 3 Project – Week 4

  1. Masha – My big joy is to inspire, encourage and empower you to live the sweetest life for you. I love to share inspiration, how to, and my own journey towards wholeness and union with our Divine Mother. Oh and I love photography and cooking. I am thrilled that you are here and sharing in this wonderful magical mystery.
    Masha says:

    It always has to be uniquely yours doesn’t it, something I have to keep on reminding myself as well. And staying open to receive. Thank you for the reminder

    1. For me it is that old need to please addiction that rears its ugly head every now and then that makes me slip up. I find that when I feel unsure of myself is the time it sneaks in. Thank you Masha, as always for your support.

  2. Shari Eberts – NYC – Shari Eberts is a passionate hearing health advocate and internationally recognized author and speaker on hearing loss issues. She is the founder of Living with Hearing Loss, a popular blog and online community for people with hearing loss, and an executive producer of "We Hear You," an award-winning documentary about the hearing loss experience. Her book, "Hear & Beyond: Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss," (co-authored with Gael Hannan) is the ultimate survival guide to living well with hearing loss. Shari has an adult-onset genetic hearing loss and hopes that by sharing her story, she will help others to live more peacefully with their own hearing issues.
    Shari Eberts says:

    Good advice. Step by step and soon you are at your goal!

    1. That’s the plan at any rate! But it has to be authentic. Thank you for commenting.

  3. Black Tortoise Press – I'm a daughter, sister, writer, scientist, mother, wife, baker, gardener, grandmother, recyler, bicycler, freelancer, and more. I'm someone who remembers how to be a little girl; a child of God.
    oncealittlegirl says:

    Follow your gut, and do what’s right for you. Great advice. Sometimes taking a little respite is what I need to get the fires stoked again.

    1. Very true. Down time allows the creative “next step” to perculate into being. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

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