When You Just Have To Go For It



It eats at you relentlessly, an idea that has taken up space in your head. It’s all you can think about. The more you think about it, the more it evolves and grows and builds upon itself until you are sure you will go crazy if it does not manifest into something real.

To me, these ideas in your head are conceptions of fate. Bursts of inspiration that have the capacity to change your life. Thoughts that are meant to move you along your path and to realise your potential. All that is required from you is to allow it to manifest.

Okay sure, you will have to do some work, but it is work fueled by passion. That’s the best kind. Passion is like rocket fuel and is meant to give this idea a extra big boost.

Sure you will have to stick your neck out and hope it doesn’t get chopped off by the critics of the world. That is the risk attached to any fate but isn’t that really just allowing your authentic self to show? Isn’t this who you were meant to be?

But do you really have a choice? This thing, this idea, is taking over your mind, your body – maybe even your sanity. It has to be born out into the world. It just has to. It is stretching its limits and no longer fit the confines of the container – you. Like the bark of a tree, it is time to shed and grow.

That is when you know with out a doubt, that you just have to go for it. Take the leap, take the chance, do the work, create and grow. Feel the old you break and reform. It’s in fates hands now. You can not go back.

Whether this idea fails miserably or soars to great heights, it is out of your hands now. You did what fate asked you to do. Those thoughts that pushed at the very limits of your being, were not yours to begin with. You were just the vessel in which a power far greater than you decided this idea needed to be manifested from. Your only job in all of this was to let it happen and just go for it.














Published by Diana Frajman

Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.

6 thoughts on “When You Just Have To Go For It

    1. There is a background to this post. I just started a blog for the downtown district of my city. We have had issues with marketing, growth and faith in recent times and it has been rattling around in my head for a while now. The ideas have finally gotten too big for my brain and I had no choice but get it out. 😁

  1. Love this. I’ve found that if there is potentially something for me to do which makes me scared, then I should definitely do it because that is where the growth will come from 🙂

  2. I love that quote by Anais Nin it’s one of my favorites and it’s been in my head for a while now just waiting for me to write the right piece to let it out. LOL love this post.

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