Resistance Is Futile



Human beings are stubborn creatures. We have a habit of not knowing when to quit. Sometimes this is very good and amazing things come from our persevering and sometimes, our stubborn determination actually hinders our progress.

Have you ever stayed in a relationship too long, or toiled for years in a career that sucked dry all your passion for life? Or perhaps you’ve suffered with a chronic health issue because the thought of going through the treatment to repair or heal the problem seemed daunting. It was your rigid perception of the situation that kept you in a tight cycle of unhappiness and stress.

Sometimes, what seems like a tough situation is really a blessing in disguise. It’s only when you look at it in hindsight, you see the truth of the matter.

But what if there is a much bigger power working in your life creating this disharmony? What if the strife that is occurring in your life is meant to act as a catalyst to get you moving in another direction? What if all you need to do, is go with the flow and let it happen.

Anyone who has read my blog for any length of time knows that I believe that the universe (God, spirit) is always offering up guidance to us in the form of signs, symbols and omens. That it is always conspiring in our favour and answering our requests for help, relief and guidance, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time. All we need to do is have an open mind and the eyes to see the solutions offered.

The universe starts out gently at first with little niggles. It uses coincidences, small challenges and intuitive messages to get our attention. If we are aware and open to change, we quickly understand the messages for what they are and alter our course in life accordingly. Life goes on tranquilly and we are happy.

For the most part, we aren’t even aware that the universe is guiding us. If we stay open and are adaptable to change, our life can flow with minimal drama. The wisest people support the blessing of a good life with regular doses of gratitude for their good fortune none the less. It’s just good karma.

Sometimes we send out subconscious messages to the universe that we are unhappy and it is time for a new path. Maybe we haven’t even voiced this to our conscious self yet but the universe is on the job already and has started to help us with gentle hints. At first it may start out as a feeling of dissatisfaction with the situation we find ourselves in. Then, as our unhappiness progresses, so does the messages. The universe will keep upping the ante until we are smacked up the side of our head with a situation that forces us to make a move.

Perhaps it is a job loss, or your partner decides to leave you, or your health issue becomes so severe that medical intervention is a must for survival. If we are not prepared, or we chose to have blinders on to the issue, we may find our lives in dire straits. The choice is no longer ours and instead, it gets chosen for us.

At this point there is no point fighting, resistance is futile. It will only make the situation worse than it already is. Even still, the really obstinate souls don’t get this and so the situation for them will continue to spiral down until they hit rock bottom. Remember, the universe was only answering your call for help. Is it the universes fault that you chose not to listen?

But when you do finally get that “aha” moment, and you realize that the situation you are in is really an answer to your call for help, even if it doesn’t feel like it in this moment, then things can start to change for the better.

The key though is to be open and not fight it. Our stubborn natures force us into rigid positions. Remember, that is why you are where you are right now. If you want a change, the first step is to change your mind.

Stop thinking thoughts like, I have to earn “X” amount of money or I won’t be happy, I have to be in a relationship to be fulfilled or I need to drink alcohol, do drugs or eat unhealthy foods to cope with life. Thoughts like these ones have not served you in the past and they are not serving you now. What they really create are more cries to the universe for help.

I’ll bet you know someone who isn’t afraid of change. Someone who has tried many things and always comes up successful, and even if they don’t succeed, they have little problem bouncing back to try something else. What is the secret to their charmed life? The answer is, they don’t fight it. They are always open to the possibilities of life, but most of all, they recognize the signs the universe is offering early on and alter their path accordingly.

As for those folks whose rigid perceptions has, in the past, hindered their progress in life, to you I say, stop fighting it. What held true yesterday no longer serves you today. Have a little faith, be open to new opportunities and most of all, be willing to change. I guarantee you, when you look back and see the clues that the universe had laid out for you, you will wonder why you ever fought it.

Whether you are aware you were asking for help or not, the universe took it upon itself to help. So go with it because resistance is futile. You may as well get on with having a better life, even if didn’t even know you wanted one.











Published by Diana Frajman

Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.

2 thoughts on “Resistance Is Futile

  1. Guess what….I’m actually making time to catch-up on your blogs. Starting with the newest and working backwards…I think I have a ways to go. Oh well better now than not right??? Cheers Rod

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