The Dabblers Club (Are you a member?)

There is a secret club. Nobody knows how many members it has. There are no written rules of conduct. There is no regularly scheduled meetings, and you may not even know that you are a member. It is the Dabblers Club.

What is a dabbler?

A dabbler is a person who is drawn to many different, and sometimes very diverse ideas, hobbies or areas of interest but only works at them in a superficial manner. They love the idea of starting new projects but have trouble finishing them. They are tinkerers. Once a concept is understood, the curiosity of the dabbler’s current interest wanes and the project will soon finds itself on a shelf along with other incomplete projects.

It would be easy to say that dabblers have commitment issues. Perhaps that is true to some degree and I will talk about that in a moment, but I think to be a true dabbler, is more about enjoying variety in life. There is a curiosity inside of them. They love a good puzzle. The real joy comes from figuring out the concept and not in the actual doing of a project.

A dabbler is in their element when they first encounter a new venture. Whether it is a business idea, new skill, or a complex mathematical equation, the zap of energy and excitement a dabbler feels is an indication that a new mystery is at hand. If you have felt that buzz, that itch and tingle in your hands to grasp onto a new venture, then you know the dabbler’s fixation. I call it the “shiny object syndrome”. Dabblers are magpies, they cannot resist something shiny and new.

There is nothing wrong with being a dabbler. In fact dabbling has brought humanity many wondrous things. It is in the curiosity of puzzling out a new project or trying out a new skill that wondrous ideas and inventions have been born.

But a dabbler who is not at ease with this aspect of their personality can run the risk of experiencing extreme guilt. Society does not celebrate the dabbler. It instead reveres the committed, the focused, the completer.

As with all human characteristics, the dabbler trait has a dark side as well. A person with just enough knowledge about a specific topic can be dangerous if their intent is not pure. This is the realm of the imposter, the charlatan, and the con-artist. It is here as well, that the critic resides. It has never been easier to express an opinion about topics we have only dabbled in. One need only scroll down the posts on Facebook and see all the negative comments, and attack memes to prove this point.

To embrace ones dabbling quality with confidence means to understand that we are here on earth to learn and experience. There is no better way to do that than to sample as much of life as you can. There is no score card, no test at the end, and life is not a competition. Your life is yours alone to live. As a dabbler, you must make peace with this and continue on.

This is where commitment issues come in. At some point in life, if you want to become the best you can be, you will need to commit to something. The problem for a dabbler is that the very nature of dabbling is to not fully commit to anything. Once a dabbler understands their true nature, only then can they commit themselves to dabbling. So in effect, the commitment a dabbler needs to make is not committing to one thing but committing to the practise of experiencing many things.

This distinction can make the difference between a life of feeling that you are not good at anything and as such will never amount to anything worthy, to a life that is driven by curiosity and an insatiable need to experience many things. Once this is understood, you can get on with the job of dabbling successfully.

Think about folks like Sir Richard Branson, founder and CEO of the Virgin Group, a conglomerate of over 400 companies. Or Elon Musk, founder and CEO of SpaceX, Tesla Inc., and SolarCity, among others. These are stunning examples of men who have parlayed their personal commitment to dabbling into multi-million dollar careers. It is their insatiable curiosity to learn and question combined with a drive to experience life to the fullest that has led these men to create diverse portfolio’s of successful companies.

The difference between extraordinary men like Richard Branson and Elon Musk and the average dabbler, is that these two men have embraced their dabbling character and use it to their full advantage. It is the commitment to their curiosity and love of mystery that has led them to create hundreds of cutting edge companies. But in embracing their dabbling trait they have also learned how to hire successful leaders who take on the visions these men create and take care of the day to day running of these companies. In  turn, leaving Richard and Elon the freedom to dabble even more while living really amazing lives.

Are you a dabbler? Do you flutter from one project to the next, never finishing anything substantial? Would you describe yourself as a, jack of all trades, but a master of none? Is it because you are commitment phobic, or is it because you have not yet learned to commit to your true self.

Maybe you just need to accept the fact that you are a dabbler and that your strength is in the conceptualizing and not in the doing. But understand that by declaring your gift, you may run counter to the excepted rules of society.

Maybe this is why the Dabbler’s Club is so secretive. But know this, if you dabble, you are a member of the club by default. Whether you know it or not.

Now the only question left to ask is: Are you willing to commit fully to this calling, and live life with curiosity and adventure, to sample what intrigues you, without guilt, to commit to exploring all concepts that intrigue you to your satisfaction, then freely and knowingly except the pull towards the next shiny novelty when it passes by?

If the answer is yes, then I welcome you to the club.

Published by Diana Frajman

Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.

34 thoughts on “The Dabblers Club (Are you a member?)

    1. Well thank you. You have made my day with your kind words. ❤️

      1. There is lots there. It is my hope that folks who stop by leave with a little wisdom and insight. It is my wish for you as well. Enjoy 😊

  1. suzyhomemakeruk – Staffordshire, UK – I'm Sue. Just-turned-50 cockney rebel and about as far from stereotypical homemaker as you can get. Down to earth, often irreverent, my world is a no-twee zone for women (and men) who want more than just pretty.
    suzyhomemakeruk says:

    Where do I pay my club fees? 😂 Every Sunday morning, your blog post comes through, I read it avidly, and more often than not it provokes a deep and meaningful conversation with my Beloved. Today is no exception. My name is Sue and I am a proud member of The Dabbler’s Club! Seriously, though, you have really helped to place another piece of the jigsaw. Whilst I wouldn’t necessarily agree that I NEVER complete anything substantial, many (if not all!) of my projects take on a new life and rarely end up as I originally intended. I also often shelve projects only to pick them up again years later. I think the biggest lesson for me in committing to being a dabbler is exorcising the guilt I feel when I want to shelve a project because it no longer serves me, but feel I ‘should’ stick with it. Thank you, Diana, for another thought-provoking blog post! Bright Blessings, Sue x

    1. Thank you Sue. I know the guilt. I have managed to be disciplined to finish material projects because I will only start one at a time although I am, right now sitting in my office that has unfinished window sills from a window replacement project 2 years ago. You pick your battles. 😋
      For me though it is the self improvement projects, lose weight, get more exercise, meditate that seem to get shelved.
      I’ll let you know when the meetings will be 😂

  2. Rachael Stray | – I'm a proud Geordie who loves chocolate, reading and my native North East. I'm a multimedia journalist now working in PR. I'm happily married and creeping up to thirty.
    rachaelstray says:

    Wow this post resonates with me. Hi my name is Rachael and I am a dabbler!!

    1. It looks like I have inadvertently started a recovery group! Lol Thanks Rachael, I’m glad you got something out of this post. 😊

  3. fancypaperblog – The stories, thoughts, rants, memoirs, random anecdotes and confessions of an Irish Mammy of two little ladies. I am also a teacher of English and History who thinks we should focus on the little things in life that make us happy. Prepare yourself for attempts at wit, food talk, book loving and travel nostalgia in the midst of the family dramas and normal people magic!
    fancypaperblog says:

    I know a professional dabbler- I must let him know😊

    1. What a wonderful world that you can actually be a professional dabbler. Maybe he will come and speak at our imaginary meetings! 😂

  4. This really resonated with me. And it explains why, for so long, I felt like a fraud.
    I’m a live-long dabbler of arts and crafts. Only recently have I accepted this and tried to incorporate all these shiny new bits into the current project. Thanks for this post!

    1. Ah, but the title of your blog, you are an artisan. It is in your very nature to dabble. That is part of creative process. Embrace it and love it. ❤️

  5. Kristi McAllister – Southport NC – I'm a full-time student, most-of-the-time blogger, part-time mermaid, dog mom, and a lover of all things coffee and chocolate.
    Kristi McAllister says:

    Apparently, I owe dues, because, until today, I didn’t know I was a dabbler and that I’ve been getting a free ride for years! LOL! I’m the worst for getting all excited about a project and then I’m also the worst because I can’t seem to finish it! I just thought I was suffering from S.I.A.D.D. (self-induced attention deficit disorder haha). Just let me know where to send the check LOL! Great post…truly.

  6. Kristi McAllister – Southport NC – I'm a full-time student, most-of-the-time blogger, part-time mermaid, dog mom, and a lover of all things coffee and chocolate.
    Kristi McAllister says:

    This is too funny because apparently, I owe dues because I am indeed a dabbler! I’m the worst for starting projects and not finishing them! I always get very excited about new things and become bored with them in the same breath. I just thought I was suffering from S.I.A.D.D. (self-induced attention deficit disorder LOL!). Just let me know where to send the check haha! Great post. Truly!

    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      Thankfully, it is a dues free club. Just know that we as a club are in solidarity of your dabbling struggles. 🤗
      I do like your self diagnosis though. Knowing is half the battle. 😂

  7. I really enjoyed reading this post. I’ve been a dabbler in the past. However, I’ve worked on this over the last couple of years. I know of few people who owe membership fees.

    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      Luckily there are no dues. 😊
      I will consider you an alumni to the club. 🤗

  8. Great examples with Branson and Musk. I think all creatives start out as dabblers with natural curiosity. You just need to know when to reel it in.

    “Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye.” – Dorothy Parker

    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      Love the quote! Thanks for sharing. 😊

  9. That’s an interesting point about being a dabbler not always being a bad thing. It can be so hard to get focused enough to get things done, though.

    1. Life is meant to be explored. Nothing wrong with that. Focus though is needed even for just long enough to dabble at something.
      P.S. welcome to the club 😁

  10. This is an interesting read.Sometimes I am dabbler too.But,I feel guilty when I read this post. 🙂

    1. That is the thing, if you understand that you have a curious mind, you will understand that dabbling is essential. Remember, dabblers can also be great inventors. Many great inventions were created because a dabbler got side tracked on an original project. Dabblers are creates. Never feel guilty about it. It’s just part of your life’s journey to experience whatever you can. That’s a good thing.

  11. Well, my club is kind of like this, but it’s known as the piddlers. I love to piddle and dabble in all kinds of things and feel so good when something is actually accomplished.

    1. Yes! Piddling, dabbling. Same, same. Enjoy 😉

    1. You go girl. Besides, dabbler is a much better label. It implies curiosity.

  12. Shernette – Ontario, Canada – I’m a passion beauty & lifestyle blogger and online creator sharing my transparent experiences with the social media generation. I'm a chocolate obsessed Canadian-based serial entrepreneur, doting mama to a boy and girl, and lover of self-care and long baths!
    Shernette Williams says:

    Never heard of the Dabblers Club! Haha. I love how powerful you sound in your writing. Keeps me engaged and wanting more!

    1. Wow, thank you for the compliment. The dabblers club is only in my mind. I would have to commit to it if it was real and that goes against everything a dabbler stands for. 😂

    1. Well welcome to the club 😁
      Thanks for coming by and commenting.

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