My Dragon Is Back!

*Warning* This post contains woowoo stuff.  Spirit guides and mystical creatures will be lurking about. Keep an open mind or click on folks.



I have never written about this before. In fact, I have told very few people about this experience. I like folks to feel confident that I am of sound mind. I did however allude to it in a past blog post here.

My first encounter was a couple of years ago while I was doing a guided meditation from Slade Roberson of  Shift Your Spirits  which he created to help folks contact their spirit guides.

If you believe, spirit guides are the spiritual entities that watch over us from the other side and help keep us safe as we live this physical life. They could show up as an angel, or an ascended master such as Buddha, Jesus, or Mother Mary. They could be souls who choose to stay on the other side to assist us as we experience life on earth, or, they could be mythical creatures.

Yes, I said mythical creatures.

As I was going deeper into a meditative state and raising my energy vibration in order to contact my guide or guides, he appeared.

I called him Lou. Well, what I really should say is that he lets me call him Lou. One does not take liberties with a guide such as he – and he is most definitely a he. I could feel with certainty the masculine energy and his impressive power flow off him. Lou is a dragon.

I will stop right here and clarify for you that I am not a person prone to whimsy. I had never had experience with meeting a spirit guide before. I kind of expected the vision of a wise, hermit type, old man or a benevolent, mother figure. That was my expectation. Never in my wildest dreams, and trust me, I rarely have wild dreams, did I expect to see in my minds eye, a dragon come flying towards me. You can imagine my surprise, as well as my scepticism.

Lou is a greenish brown, Celtic dragon complete with scales, wings and a long powerful tail. He does not speak but communicates, which he rarely does, with thoughts in my mind.  He did not declare that he was my guide, or that he was there to protect me, or mentor me, or do anything for me. He was just there, calmly, with immense power and patience. I did not fear him, although I understood he could incinerate me in a heartbeat, should he choose.

In subsequent meditations were he appeared, he let me climb up on his broad back and took me for rides throughout the cosmos. I felt empowered by his presence and looked forward to our meditative time together.

The subject of dragons became an area of interest for me and I began to research them. Mythical dragons, I found out, show up in European, Chinese and American native history and story telling. I found it interesting that several, very different cultures believed in some form of the dragon. Could there be a thread of truth to their existence at some point in history? Were they real or perhaps some morphed interpretation of something that these ancient cultures couldn’t explain from their limited perspectives?

Do they still exist today on this earth plane or are they living on a much higher spiritual plane? Or, is this just a manifestation from my subconscious? Did I just imagine Lou?

My dragon encounter got a little wilder when, while driving in my car doing some errands, I stopped at a red light. When I looked up at a tree that was straight ahead, I saw my dragon hiding amongst the bare branches. He appeared a bit shy, lowering his head, but not so shy as he still winked at me.

Am I losing my grip on reality! Who sees dragons in real life?

I actually drove around the block again to see if what I saw was still there or just a trick of light, or a weird formation of branches.  But when I drove towards the tree from the same angle once again, it was just a tree.

My dragon was gone.

And he was gone. He never again entered my meditations. I asked him to appear; I demanded that he appear but Lou never showed himself to me again.

That was until this week.

I am a member of a secret Facebook group for practicing and emerging intuitives and one of my fellow members posted a comment about being more receptive to spirits when she was in the shower and asked if any of us had ever experienced the same thing with water energy. I had never thought about it before, so I said I would experiment during my next shower and report back..

An opportunity had recently landed on my lap that I was needing to make a decision on and so I ask while in my very next shower for spirit to guide me with some insight to help me decide. Instantly, a large greenish brown eye appear right in front of my minds eye.

Is that you Lou?

He backed up enough so I could see that indeed, it was my wayward dragon. Where had he been all this time and why was he showing up all of a sudden after several years of being a no show?

He did not communicate anything and he just stayed long enough to ensure I knew he was there. Then looped a circle in mid air and simply flew off.

Okay…… I guess their is something to this water theory my Facebook colleague queried about. Or was the water just a coincidence to my dragon returning?

Perhaps my dragon is not a spirit guide at all but instead a symbol representing something else. If you have read enough of my posts, you will know that I am a firm believer that the universe communicates to us by using signs and symbols. Could Lou represent some symbol for something I needed to learn?

I thought about this for a while. What has happened in my life recently that is similar to what was happening in my life at the time my dragon appeared for the first time. Is there a connection?

Dragon symbolism throughout cultures represent power, strength and wisdom. Celtic dragons, are protectors of the earth and it was believed that a magical element flows when the appear. Dragons are considered lucky.

There is an element of luck and serendipity going on in my life right now, and there was as well when my dragon first showed up. Could my dragon be a sign to take advantage of this energy? And what of the opportunity that recently dropped into my lap, was seeing my dragon a symbol for an outcome of luck?

If a dragon represents power and wisdom and possesses magical properties, should I be confident that the answer to my query is a favourable one?

Let the record show, that I have had several showers since, and no dragon. So I have had no follow up opportunities with Lou to get answers.

The psychoanalysis Carl Jung would have explained the vision of a winged dragon in my meditations as a representation of a personal obstacle that I need to overcome to become a more perfect being.

Was Lou showing up again in my life because I had a obstacle to overcome? Could this recent opportunity be my obstacle?

More questions to ponder. I have already said yes to this opportunity, so I guess I will have to wait and see.

Now you know about Lou my dragon. If you have ever been visited in a meditation by a mystical creature or any other unusual being, you will understand my trepidation about telling this story. All I can say is it felt real to me, so I believe. And let’s face it, the connection between a human soul and their spirit guide is a personal experience and that’s really all that matters.

What I saw in my minds eye, what I understood in my head and what I felt in my soul were presented expressly for me, in such a way, that I would be able to obtain a deeper meaning to my reason for being here.

There is no one size fits all spiritual experience.

So if you tell me you have a shiny blue skinned man from Lemuria as your spirit guide, who am I to judge. If he offers insight and wisdom and keeps you safe, you’ll get no comment to the contrary from me. It takes guts to except the unusual, I understand.

Acceptance….. maybe that’s the obstacle my dragon is helping me overcome?

Hmmmm, more things to ponder.





















Published by Diana Frajman

Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.

31 thoughts on “My Dragon Is Back!

  1. Sarah W – I am a primary teacher with a passion for writing short stories, poems and other scribbles. Some of my work is pure fiction, some is real and raw. The beauty is, only I know which is which! I live in Australia with my husband and two dogs, Archie and Bella.
    weejars says:

    Such an interesting read…I do believe in spirit guides and certainly that they help direct us if and when we need them…

    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      Humans need only to open themselves to the possibility of a relationship with their guides and they can make it happen. The block is on our side of things. Thanks for coming by and sharing. 🙂

  2. This is super interesting to me. Years ago I went to a guided past life regression group. Part of it involved relaxing and awaiting your guide to bring you back. My guide presented as a Native American male. It seems so stereotypical, but that is what I “saw” and felt. It was a very emotional and interesting experience for me.

    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      That is kind of what I expected as a guide, something stereotypical and at first I thought that I just had an over active imagination . I mean a dragon? Come on. I have encounter more guides since but never one as cool as a dragon. 🙂

      1. I have often thought about doing another regression, I found it very insightful. My guess is a different guide, or a guide would present him/herself in another form. Age experience may determine your guide too, maybe. Not sure…but it is all very interesting to me.

      2. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
        Diana Frajman says:

        Well I have had other guides present themselves. My feeling is that they all have a different roll to play.

  3. Love this so much Diana, thank you 😊

    PS one of my regular people at the ‘magic carpet ride’ workshops always travels with dragons, at first just a male one, and sometimes now a female too. Is it OK if share your blog post?

    With love



    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      Yes please Mary and thank you for sharing.

  4. Masha – My big joy is to inspire, encourage and empower you to live the sweetest life for you. I love to share inspiration, how to, and my own journey towards wholeness and union with our Divine Mother. Oh and I love photography and cooking. I am thrilled that you are here and sharing in this wonderful magical mystery.
    Masha says:

    I love this Diana, I believe in spirit guides but I think my fear of actually meeting one has kept my spirit guide away from showing himself. I went to Vegas over the Chinese New Year and bought a dragon, it’s the first time ever that I bought one, and I felt an energy with the dragon, he sits now on top of the shelf and I know he’s protecting me. And I have a faerie who just recently decided to show herself to me, I can see her green self in a pic I took at dawn one day sitting on a branch of the tree and she showed herself again during the last full moon, she’s in my pic. but to get back to the dragon ever since I bought this dragon, dragons have come into my view. Thanks

    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      Dragon energy is powerful. Treat the spirit of the dragon well and the will empower you and protect you. I myself am looking for a Gargoyle statue to set outside and protect my house. 🙂

  5. Losing the Plot – Mum, Stepmum, Wife, part time Recycling Officer, full time vegetarian. Outnumbered at home with omnivores and Y chromosomes
    Losing the Plot says:

    What an unusual post, have to say I enjoyed it immensely.

    Something to ponder on later today!

    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      Thanks for coming by and sharing. I know I am still pondering! 🙂

  6. OMG I ❤️ This post!

    Firstly I have been practicing meditation for two years and have been trying to meet my spirit guides for ages. It’s not easy.

    Secondly WOW what an experience with Lou. I am so envious.

    Thirdly – dragons are such wonderful mythical creatures. It must mean something.

    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      Thank you Lucy for sharing. Click on the link in my post for Slade Roberson’s meditation and give it a try.

  7. drallisonbrown – Moncks Corner – Allison Brown holds a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership. She is a Reiki Master, Quantum Healing Practitioner, and Co-founder of Reiki For Vets. In 2014, her search for reconciliation between a newfound spirituality and her traditional Christian upbringing led her on an amazing journey of self-discovery. You can read more about Allison on her website, and about Reiki for Vets at
    drallisonbrown says:

    Love this! So glad you are open to all of this! I think all of your conclusions are correct, regarding why Lou showed up again. I have a couple of spirit guides, one is a teacher guide and one is a healing guide. I also believe that my mentor is Archangel Raphael, since my husband and I do healing work. I’m not quite at the point yet, though, where I get direct messages from them. But, I get direct messages from the universe via signs and symbols all the time! In fact, yesterday morning and this morning I woke up with very informative dreams – dreams that perfectly explain what’s been going on with me over the past few days.

    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      Thanks Allison. I do intuitive readings and get a lot of messages for others and myself. That is what clairvoyance is, clear knowing. They just download in my head. But, Lou is magical to me and because of him I am so intrigued by the spirit realm.

      1. drallisonbrown – Moncks Corner – Allison Brown holds a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership. She is a Reiki Master, Quantum Healing Practitioner, and Co-founder of Reiki For Vets. In 2014, her search for reconciliation between a newfound spirituality and her traditional Christian upbringing led her on an amazing journey of self-discovery. You can read more about Allison on her website, and about Reiki for Vets at
        drallisonbrown says:

        Me too! I’m so glad that you share those messages and speak your truth! I do get some signs and symbols when doing my healing work, but my husband gets more intuitive visions and messages like what you describe.

      2. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
        Diana Frajman says:

        What modality of healing work do you do?

      3. drallisonbrown – Moncks Corner – Allison Brown holds a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership. She is a Reiki Master, Quantum Healing Practitioner, and Co-founder of Reiki For Vets. In 2014, her search for reconciliation between a newfound spirituality and her traditional Christian upbringing led her on an amazing journey of self-discovery. You can read more about Allison on her website, and about Reiki for Vets at
        drallisonbrown says:

        Intuitive Reiki. We founded Reiki for Vets and work within the VA providing Reiki to veterans. If you want, check out our website for more:

      4. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
        Diana Frajman says:

        Thanks, I will. Reiki is on my someday list to learn. I haven’t found a master locally who I want to learn from. But to be honest, I’m not looking hard either. 😂

      5. drallisonbrown – Moncks Corner – Allison Brown holds a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership. She is a Reiki Master, Quantum Healing Practitioner, and Co-founder of Reiki For Vets. In 2014, her search for reconciliation between a newfound spirituality and her traditional Christian upbringing led her on an amazing journey of self-discovery. You can read more about Allison on her website, and about Reiki for Vets at
        drallisonbrown says:

        I have found that the Reiki energy, by opening us up to Source, helps expands our intuitive side. Keep me posted if you ever do get certified.

  8. Lisa Orchard – Michigan – I'm a Young Adult Author with two new series, "The Starlight Chronicles" and "The Super Spies." The first one's a coming of age series and the second one's a mystery/thriller series. I'm also the mother of two boys who keep me hopping and they're my inspiration for everything. When I'm not shuttling my boys to school or a play date, I'm writing. When I'm not writing, I'm reading, hiking, or sometimes running. I love anything chocolate and scary movies too.
    Lisa Orchard says:

    Wow. What an awesome post. I’m curious about intuitives and I’d like to learn more. Is there a way I can chat with you sometime about this?

    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      Absolutely Lisa. Do you Skype?

      1. Lisa Orchard – Michigan – I'm a Young Adult Author with two new series, "The Starlight Chronicles" and "The Super Spies." The first one's a coming of age series and the second one's a mystery/thriller series. I'm also the mother of two boys who keep me hopping and they're my inspiration for everything. When I'm not shuttling my boys to school or a play date, I'm writing. When I'm not writing, I'm reading, hiking, or sometimes running. I love anything chocolate and scary movies too.
        Lisa Orchard says:

        Yes. I haven’t done it very often. Would sometime in the next couple of weeks work for you?

      2. Lisa Orchard – Michigan – I'm a Young Adult Author with two new series, "The Starlight Chronicles" and "The Super Spies." The first one's a coming of age series and the second one's a mystery/thriller series. I'm also the mother of two boys who keep me hopping and they're my inspiration for everything. When I'm not shuttling my boys to school or a play date, I'm writing. When I'm not writing, I'm reading, hiking, or sometimes running. I love anything chocolate and scary movies too.
        Lisa Orchard says:

        Awesome, thanks Diane!

  9. Fire-breath energy! Have you explored breathing exercises (pranayama) and Kundalini?
    You might to do so…only you can say for sure, but this may be another reason why Dragon has appeared for you. Thank you for sharing your experience! Blessings!

    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      Most definitely have explored my fire energy. That may be why my dragon showed up again but I do not feel that is why he show up in the first place.
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. 😊

    1. Diana Frajman – Nanaimo B.C. Canada – Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.
      Diana Frajman says:

      I love that you were visited by the goblin and unicorn. Did they leave you any messages?

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