September: Are You Ready To Shift?


It’s September, my most favourite of months. For my internal clock, this is my new year. Okay, I’m a Virgo, and astrologically it is my new year so it’s not a big surprise that I feel energized at this time.

My friend Nancy dude has a theory that folks like the season best that they were born in. I don’t know about that, but I do have a theory about September and here it is.

September is a shift month. We shift from holiday mode back to a more regular schedule. We shift from the hot temperatures that drag out every ounce of energy from you in August to hopefully cooler, more bearable air. We shift to a harvest mindset where we begin to gather to us the bounties of nature that will sustain us in the dark days of winter, and we shift our heads back into the game of life.

Do you remember the first day of school as a child? You were so excited to see your friends that you missed over summer and it was always thrilling to have a new outfit and fresh new school supplies, but it took the month of September to shift back out of summer holiday mode and back into study mode. That was one of the reasons why teachers spent the month mostly doing review. You needed that time to reboot your brain and bring it back up to speed for the new information you would learning come October.

September is a time to reboot your life. It’s a transition month. A time to finish up the remnants of summer. A time to ease back into the schedules of your life. A time to refocus, get back to business and set your goals and plans to finish out the year strong.

Here’s how I do it.

There are certain annual things that I use the month of September to take care of. Health checks like eye care, dental cleanings, mammograms. Really it doesn’t matter what month you pick but I choose September to get all those dreaded appointments over and done. It’s kind of like getting a mechanical tune up on the engine so it’s ready for upcoming harsher weather.

I think about my look in September as well. Perhaps it’s a little vain but after the ravages of the summer sun, I like to switch up my appearance to reflect a new season. Maybe this is a throw back from my school days when my mom would take me for a new outfit and a haircut. I would be so excited to present the “new” me to my friends at school.

And I take some time to plan out the rest of my year. For the month of August, my brain didn’t do much, other than enjoy a few good books, and take in the beauty of the season and okay, yes, cocktails on the deck may have been involved. So September is the time for me to get back into the game. I ask myself, “What is it that I want to achieve for the rest of the year?” Then once I have decided which projects and goals I want to work on, I create the framework to make it so.

The thing is, nature has cycles and I find that as a modern society, we have lost touch with her patterns. For nature, winter is a time of rest, to incubate and prepare to burst forth once again. Spring is a time of rebirth, time to get out and sow the seeds that create. Summer is the growing season, a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of the seeds planted in spring and to live easy. Autumn is a time to harvest, to gather what you have sowed and prepare for the long winters rest.

September is a pivotal month, connecting one season to the next. It is a time to shift and ramp up for the final push of the year. There is still time yet to play. There is still time to enjoy the fading light of summer. There is still time to live easy, but the gentle whispers of the autumn winds will begin nudging at you to look for the subtle changes that hint of a new season.

It is time to shift. It is time to refocus and for me, it is time to get back into the groove of my life once more.


Do you feel the shift of September? I’d love to hear what you have planned. Leave me a comment.


















Published by Diana Frajman

Wisdom blogger who believes that the wise older woman is the most powerful brand females come in.

6 thoughts on “September: Are You Ready To Shift?

  1. I have always loved Fall – the colours of the tree’s changing – the harvest colours – pumpkins – Halloween around the corner as kids – this year – I would like to make a shift in my weight! A lower shift – wish me well!!

    1. My friend Nancy dude is a retired nurse. She will tell you that the little old ladies with extra weight on their bones fair better if the get pneumonia or have a fall. So the way that I look at it is my fat is really just and investment for my old age! And the chocolate and chips I love are the fringe benefit of my personal insurance policy for the future.
      Now see, doesn’t that sound like a better perspective to living than being on a diet? 😜

  2. Gloria – I enjoy writing fiction set in historical times. My inspiration for my debut novel Secrets in the Babby House, came from the love of my childhood memories and my enjoyment of listening to stories of times gone by.
    Gloria says:

    Yes, September is a month when I feel more motivated to get things moving. Hair done – of course! Childfree morning walks, I love the morning freshness that comes with September! Autumn is my favourite season. I was born in December and it’s not my favourite month but winter doesn’t bother me like it does some people. I like getting all wrapped up and sitting by the fire at night. And the odd hot whiskey doesn’t go astray either! 😁

    1. A girl after my own heart. I LOVE fall. Except, I’m a hot rum chic myself. 😉
      Thanks for coming by, commenting and following me.

      1. Gloria – I enjoy writing fiction set in historical times. My inspiration for my debut novel Secrets in the Babby House, came from the love of my childhood memories and my enjoyment of listening to stories of times gone by.
        Gloria says:

        You’re more than welcome. 😊

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